teams seasonal ice time
The following Team pages are interactive ribbon graphs that span the entire 2021-2022 season. As always we highly suggest you scroll to the bottom of the Power BI report and "open in new window"
The following pages are laid out thusly;
Team pages show the ice time for each player in each game...for the 2021-2022 season
the inactive Power Bi reports always work better if you "open to new window"
the first page shows ice time by the month, the second panel shows ice time for each game
the third panel shows the distribution of ice time by position
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the remaining pages are Power Bi and Tableau reports that examine the relative ice time and Yahoo Fantasy points the players earned over last season
the pages labeled 2018-2022 are reports that took ice time and points over the last 4 years.
The vast majority of this data comes from and and Yahoo Fantasy Sports